Author: nmiller

Final Assignment Template. MILLER

[Project Title] Objective: [Project Objective] Assignment Details: Exploration: [Provide detailed exploration instructions tailored to the specific project theme. Describe the setting or environment students should explore and what they should look for.] Photography: [Specify how students should capture their subjects. Mention perspectives, angles, and any specific techniques they should use to align with the project’s […]


Objective: To capture images that play with the concept of partial visibility, invoking feelings of curiosity, mystery, or anticipation. Seek out subjects that are not fully revealed, encouraging viewers to wonder about the unseen. Assignment Details: Exploration: Explore the campus or your homespace, looking for opportunities where subjects—be they animate or inanimate—are partially hidden or […]

Assignment #6: Strange Angles

Objective: To photograph everyday objects or scenes from angles that people wouldn’t normally see. Create a collection of images that showcase these unique perspectives. Assignment Details: Exploration: Roam around the campus or any accessible location, seeking out new ways to look at common places or objects. Photography: Take photos from at least three different angles […]

Assignment #5: Light Writing

Objective: To use the technique of light painting to create each letter of your name with light strokes. Capture these images in the dark and then assemble them into a single composite image that spells out your name. Assignment Details: Exploration: Find a safe, dark space on campus, at home, or in any other accessible […]

Assignment #4: Alphabetography

Assignment Title: Alphabetography: Spelling with Images Objective: To find and photograph objects or scenes in nature or around the campus that resemble the letters of your name. Then, compile these photographs into a single composite image that spells out your name using Adobe Spark. Assignment Details: Tools Needed: Examples Due Date: Next Wednesday 2/14/2024 Additional […]

Assignment #3: Noticing the small things-Details Spring 2024

Section 1: Exploring the Essence of Details Objective: To develop a keen eye for detail in photography, focusing on capturing intricate elements that often go unnoticed. Background Reading: Key Concepts to Explore: Section 2: Your Detail-Oriented Mission Choose Your Subject: Select a subject that intrigues you, whether it’s a natural element, an architectural detail, or […]

Assignment #2:

Redwood Photography: Panning Technique Worksheet Assignment #2 Spring 2024 Section 1: Review of Panning Technique Section 2: Planning Your Panning Assignment Section 3: How to Submit Your Work Final Note: This assignment aims to deepen your understanding of the panning technique and enhance your ability to capture dynamic, moving subjects. Be creative and experiment. Happy […]

Panning: Assignment #1 Spring 2024

Assignment Title: “Motion in Focus: Mastering the Art of Panning” Due 1/12/2023 Objective: To understand and apply the panning technique in photography, capturing motion with clarity and creativity. Materials Needed: Part 1: Understanding Panning Readings Part 2: Technical Setup Part 3: Creative Experimentation Part 4: Assignment Submission Part 5: Class Exhibition and Review Additional Resources: […]

100 things

here is a link

Fall Photo Show