Author: nmiller

The View Through 50MM: Fall Photo Contest

Go follow us on instagram to be entered in a drawing for a Dutch Bros Gift

Emulating the Masters

Objective: Enhance your understanding and appreciation of iconic photographers by researching their work and capturing images that emulate their distinctive style. Instructions: Materials Needed: Camera, editing software (if required), and resources (books, articles, online galleries) for researching the chosen photographer. Duration: Three weeks. Submission Guidelines: Tips & Considerations: Photographers to check out

The Interpretative Photo Exchange

Objective: Engage in a visual dialogue by interpreting a partner’s photograph and creating a responsive image, thus fostering creativity, collaboration, and interpretative thinking. Instructions: Analyzing and Interpreting the Received Photograph: Capturing a Response Photograph: Materials Needed: Camera. Duration: Two weeks. (we will do this on two consecutive Tuesdays) Submission Guidelines: Tips & Considerations:

Abstract Photo Scavenger Hunt

Objective: Challenge your perception and creativity by capturing images that represent abstract concepts, pushing boundaries beyond the literal. Instructions: List of Abstract Concepts: Materials Needed: Camera. Optional: props or materials that might help convey the abstract concepts. Submission Guidelines: Tips & Considerations:

The Palletteville Project

The Day the Colors Vanished In a town named Paletteville, colors brightened every corner. Houses were lavender and gold, the roads aqua and emerald, and the skies, a magical blend of periwinkle and peach. People often said, “To live in Paletteville is to live inside a rainbow.” But one morning, something astonishing happened. The vibrant […]

Photography Assignment: Liminal Spaces & Rainbow Spectrum

Objective: Assignment Description: In this assignment, you have the option to explore one of two fascinating themes: Liminal Spaces or Rainbow Spectrum (ROYGBIV). Your task is to use your understanding of photography to capture images that not only fulfill the thematic requirements but also express creativity, depth, and abstraction. Option 1: Liminal Spaces What’s a […]

M assignment sample

Assignment #3- Let’s go full M mode

Assignment #3: Mood Shift Through Manual Control Objective: Capture 10 photographs of the same subject, but alter the mood of each shot by changing the camera’s manual settings (both shutter speed and aperture). Guidelines: Tips:

Aperture Reflection- Nick Miller

condimentum lacinia quis vel eros donec ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu consequat ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla phasellus faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc […]

Shutter Work Quiz

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