Piper Figallo – Redwood Photography https://redwood.photography Pictures from the Redwood Photography group Wed, 17 Jan 2024 03:31:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://redwood.photography/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Black-Green-Doodle-Video-Camera-for-Movie-Cinema-Production-Logo-2-150x150.png Piper Figallo – Redwood Photography https://redwood.photography 32 32 Panning Reflection -Piper Figallo https://redwood.photography/2024/01/17/panning-reflection/ https://redwood.photography/2024/01/17/panning-reflection/#respond Wed, 17 Jan 2024 03:30:38 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=9704 Practicing on moving cars helped me understand how panning photography works. After many failed pictures where everything in the photo was blurry, I was able to learn how to get a clear subject with the motion streaks showing the movement and speed of the subject. I like this concept in photography because you get to see the action of this subject. Instead of just seeing what it is, you can tell that it is moving due to the motion blur that is present in the photos. Overall I liked learning how to capture something new, and it is a fun way to show movement through a picture.

https://redwood.photography/2024/01/17/panning-reflection/feed/ 0
Masters Project https://redwood.photography/2023/11/01/masters-project/ https://redwood.photography/2023/11/01/masters-project/#respond Wed, 01 Nov 2023 18:22:44 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=7986 For this project, I chose the photographer Daido Moriyama as my inspiration. Something I tried to capture was the isolated and eerie feeling that this artist’s pictures portray. I think that putting a monochrome filter on all of these photos helps create a similar feeling for the photographer because it focuses on the subject rather than the colors. When things are colorful they can make someone feel more joyous emotions while looking at the photo, so taking away the color allows you to focus on the deeper meaning of the photo. A feeling I wanted to create was emptiness from one of the photos that Moriyama took. I inserted this feeling into one of my pictures because it shows a swing with nothing but nature around it. I added my own style to this project by adding more nature shots in contrast to the cityscapes that the photographer did.

https://redwood.photography/2023/11/01/masters-project/feed/ 0
Shutter Work: Piper Figallo https://redwood.photography/2023/09/17/shutter-work-piper-figallo/ https://redwood.photography/2023/09/17/shutter-work-piper-figallo/#respond Sun, 17 Sep 2023 19:09:02 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=6140 Reflection: Something I was able to do pretty easily was adjust the ISO based on the lighting of the room or outside. I learned that for lighter settings you do a lower ISO number like 200 and for a darker setting you do a higher number like 3000. A challenge I had was that when I adjusted the shutter speed, it would make my pictures lighter or darker. This was difficult when I needed a specific shutter speed to get the right blur because then it would make the contrast on the photo look either too high or too low I was able to adjust my settings and fix the problem because I noticed that the slower the shutter speed I had, the lighter the photos would be, and the faster the shutter speed, the darker the photos would get. One picture I liked was when the teacher was speed walking away, I was able to freeze that moment with the camera. To get the freeze effect, I made the shutter speed a little higher so it could stop time. Getting to work with the shutter speed allowed me to see that you can take so many different types of photos even when you make small adjustments. When I was trying to make by photos more blurry, I lowered the shutter speed. Sometimes the pictures would come out bad so I started making minor adjustments until I got the picture I wanted. Overall I liked this project because it allowed me to understand the settings of the camera more so I can take better pictures.

https://redwood.photography/2023/09/17/shutter-work-piper-figallo/feed/ 0
Aperture Work: Piper Figallo https://redwood.photography/2023/09/17/aperture-work-piper-figallo/ https://redwood.photography/2023/09/17/aperture-work-piper-figallo/#respond Sun, 17 Sep 2023 19:07:36 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=6138 What I learned in this assignment was how to adjust my aperture to focus on a subject. With a lower f-number, I saw that it isolates the subject and makes the subject clear and the background more blurry. A challenge I had was when the f-number was too low the exposure on the picture would look off. To get my pictures to look right the f would usually be on 3 or 4. To keep the subject and background in focus, I had to have a higher f-number like f/7-12. Something I was able to do was get the bokeh balls in my photo. I went up to the creek that runs through our school and I angled the camera so it hit the light reflecting off the water. This created circular blurs of light. I had to use a low f-number for this.

https://redwood.photography/2023/09/17/aperture-work-piper-figallo/feed/ 0
Aperture Reflection https://redwood.photography/2023/09/15/aperture-reflection/ https://redwood.photography/2023/09/15/aperture-reflection/#respond Fri, 15 Sep 2023 04:22:23 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=5748 What I learned in this assignment was how to adjust my aperture to focus on a subject. With a lower f-number, I saw that it isolates the subject and makes the subject clear and the background more blurry. A challenge I had was when the f-number was too low the exposure on the picture would look off. To get my pictures to look right the f would usually be on 3 or 4. To keep the subject and background in focus, I had to have a higher f-number like f/7-12. Something I was able to do was get the bokeh balls in my photo. I went up to the creek that runs through our school and I angled the camera so it hit the light reflecting off the water. This created circular blurs of light. I had to use a low f-number for this.

Bokeh Balls

Shallow Depth of Field

Deep Depth of Field

https://redwood.photography/2023/09/15/aperture-reflection/feed/ 0
Shutter Priority https://redwood.photography/2023/09/15/shutter-priority/ https://redwood.photography/2023/09/15/shutter-priority/#respond Fri, 15 Sep 2023 04:20:59 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=5923 Reflection: Something I was able to do pretty easily was adjust the ISO based on the lighting of the room or outside. I learned that for lighter settings you do a lower ISO number like 200 and for a darker setting you do a higher number like 3000. A challenge I had was that when I adjusted the shutter speed, it would make my pictures lighter or darker. This was difficult when I needed a specific shutter speed to get the right blur because then it would make the contrast on the photo look either too high or too low I was able to adjust my settings and fix the problem because I noticed that the slower the shutter speed I had, the lighter the photos would be, and the faster the shutter speed, the darker the photos would get. One picture I liked was when the teacher was speed walking away, I was able to freeze that moment with the camera. To get the freeze effect, I made the shutter speed a little higher so it could stop time. Getting to work with the shutter speed allowed me to see that you can take so many different types of photos even when you make small adjustments. When I was trying to make by photos more blurry, I lowered the shutter speed. Sometimes the pictures would come out bad so I started making minor adjustments until I got the picture I wanted. Overall I liked this project because it allowed me to understand the settings of the camera more so I can take better pictures.

Blur Photos

Freeze Frame

https://redwood.photography/2023/09/15/shutter-priority/feed/ 0