Author: Shirley silahua

Dollar Store Advert Critique

What I learned from designing a page is that it’s really fun but it is also time consuming. You have to make sure that everything is lined up evenly if you are going for that look. It is overall really fun because you are in charge of how you want it to look like. It’s […]

Reflections Critique

The Quote from Gary Winogrand “You know, I really don’t think you learn from teachers. You learn from work. I think what you learn, really, is how to be – you have to be your own toughest critic, and you only learn that from work, from seeing work.” I think this quote really does have […]

Up critique

I feel like feet are a valuable tool for photographers because it can change the perspective of the photo. For instance you can be taking a picture of a tree but you can walk farther away to get the sky in the picture or walk closer just to get a closer look at the tree. […]