Brooke Riezebos Portfolio

about me

My name is Brooke Riezebos, I love sleeping and taking naps! Also I loveee in n out, I get so excited every time I go. I also love a good brownie and vanilla ice cream combo..SO GOOD!! Also Sleeping in is my best hobbie fr. lastly I really don't like chemistry its always hard for me to understand lol. I lied I have one more thing...I hate sea food. πŸ™‚


I recently completed an interview on the athletic trainers (Alex) intern. At the start of this project I felt pretty confidence in being able to interview her and get good information. I already knew her because I am in a sports-med class, so I have been around her plenty of times. My initial goal was to show her to the redwood campus and let the students of redwood get to know her in a new way. To start off thisΒ  project I had to ask her for permission to take photos and interview her on a personal level. Thankfully she was very excited and worked very well with me when difficulties came about. Some difficulties that I ran into were that me and maria were both busy at the same time when it came to trying to schedule a interview, I had to resolve this by waiting an extra week until we both could be free and stay a couple mins after school to ask some questions and take photos of her in action. One thing I learned during this experience was that interviewing people is fun and not hard at all. As long as you have your questions ready and make the other person comfortable the interview will be very easy and you will get to know very interesting things about that person. In my opinion I think this lesson was important because now in my future projects I wont be so scared to interview people or ask to take their photos.

Brooke Riezebos
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Bubble Photos πŸ™‚

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Tree photos !!

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I thought I was taking photos of a tree, It was a bush. Here is the outcome!

I was gone for the paper Airplane activity. πŸ™

Dutch BW photos from Brooke r

Dutch, Brooke r
Dutch, Brooke r
Dutch, Brooke r
Dutch, Brooke r