
Humanizing Project, By Isaac Zavala

When I was asked to make a project on a teacher I respect, Mr. Cain came to mind in a snap. He’s the kind of teacher who creates an easygoing environment while still keeping things productive. His laid-back attitude doesn’t mean he’s not paying attention—if anything, he’s one of the most observant teachers I’ve ever […]

Self Reflection: Teacher Highlight Project

This was a pivotal project for me as a photographer. I branched out from what I’m used to. That usually being nature and the outdoors etc. My choice was Ms. Martinho, a beloved math teacher at Redwood. I am familiar with her, but some people are not so I wanted to spotlight her so people […]

Humanization Project Reflection

The beginning of this project was slightly intimidating because I had to pick an adult to follow around and document. But when I came up with the idea of doing Mr. Miller, I was really interested in capturing him in his element. The great thing about having Mr. Miller as my photography teacher is that […]

Staff Documentation Reflection

At the start of this documentary project, I was very anxious to pick my teacher and one that came to mind was Mr. Arruda my chemistry teacher. I was planning to choose him for this project because he was one of those teachers where you could talk to without feeling too scared about what you […]

Documentary Photography

By Jose Figueroa When beggining this project I already had my ideal teacher in mind. I chose someone that i had grown a relationship with throughout my junior year, Mr.Aruda. I had the idea in mind that I was going to take my pictures during my photo class and the period that I had with […]

appriciation post Mrs Duerre

With this project I was doing for Mrs. Duerre a lot of problem accured and a lot of things went right. such as I felt very confident with who I picked because ive known guerre since my freshman year when I took her class. I want people at redwood to see how great of a […]

Project Reflection

At the start of this process, I was nervous about approaching my teacher, but I later on realized it was a good opportunity, not just for me, but for him too. The workflow I planned was to plan the days I was going, and what questions I was asking, and I took pictures of him […]

Super Teachers!

Reflection on my Humanizing Project

The Process At the beginning of this project, I was very nervous and didn’t know what step to take. While this was assigned, I was absent and fell behind. I was planning to talk to Mr. Woodbury to interview him and set up a day to take pictures. I was hoping to get a couple […]

Documentary Reflection

When I received this assignment I was exited to let my creativity and pictures to humanize a teacher that I have lots of respect for. This project had many parts to it, so planning was vital in the process of creating something I was proud of. For example, scheduling interviews and knowing what the best […]