Uncategorized – Redwood Photography https://redwood.photography Pictures from the Redwood Photography group Fri, 31 May 2024 20:06:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://redwood.photography/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Black-Green-Doodle-Video-Camera-for-Movie-Cinema-Production-Logo-2-150x150.png Uncategorized – Redwood Photography https://redwood.photography 32 32 Final Assignment – Ariahna Campos https://redwood.photography/2024/05/31/final-assignment-ariahna-campos/ https://redwood.photography/2024/05/31/final-assignment-ariahna-campos/#respond Fri, 31 May 2024 20:06:53 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=10922 objective

to be able to use a camera to capture the emotions of others in different environments.

assignment details


-Go somewhere and find random people that are feel emotional. whether they are happy, sad, angry, distraught, etc. At the park, or at home, in a store, somewhere where you can find someone who is feeling emotional.


Students should be able to capture raw emotion on someone. Should have at least three pictures.

editing and composition


When finished, put on portfolio. Students will have a week to finish this assignment.

Tools required


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final assignment-lindsay irvin https://redwood.photography/2024/05/29/final-assignment-lindsay-irvin/ https://redwood.photography/2024/05/29/final-assignment-lindsay-irvin/#respond Wed, 29 May 2024 01:36:28 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=10903 “Passage of Time”

Objective: Capture the essence and feeling of time that seems to pass more quickly as we age.

Assignment Details:

Setup: Choose a serene, natural setting such as a quiet park, a forest, or a beach at sunset. Use three individuals representing different stages of life, childhood, adulthood, and old age. Use items that symbolize the passage of time, such as an hourglass, a clock, or a stack of old photographs.


Students should be able to capture the little moments in life. With children and the playful activity, perhaps running or chasing butterflies, symbolizing the carefree nature of youth. Adults, walking slowly, perhaps glancing back towards the child or forward towards the elderly person, representing the reflective and transitional phase of adulthood. Elderly person, sitting on a bench or standing with a cane, looking contemplatively at the path they’ve traveled, symbolizing wisdom and reflection. There should be at least 3 pictures minimum.

Editing and Composition:

After students take photos students shall use provided editing software to help bring out the life of the photos. Such as applying a warm, slightly faded filter to evoke a sense of nostalgia .Increasing contrast slightly to emphasize the details and textures of the subjects and props, and creating a more intimate feel.


When this project is complete, you can upload it to Redwood Photography with the file name of: firstname.lastname.passageoftime.24 Students will have a week to complete and upload this assignment, and will be displayed on the projector at the end of the week to be presented and talked about to the class and the process.

Tools required:


-Editing software (Adobe, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc)

Final Touch:

Throughout this assignment be make sure to provide context and deepen the viewers’ emotional connection to the images. This photograph assignment aims to visually represent the concept of the passage of time, creating a powerful and emotive piece that resonates with viewers on a personal level.

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Final Project – Mady Paschall https://redwood.photography/2024/05/28/final-project-mady-paschall/ https://redwood.photography/2024/05/28/final-project-mady-paschall/#respond Tue, 28 May 2024 20:40:56 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=10891 Changing of Seasons

Objective: Take photos that capture the changing of the seasons. These pictures should be taken during the transition of seasons to create a feeling of change or time passing. For example students can take pictures of the autumn leaves falling from the trees as we transition to winter.

Exploration: Students should go outside and explore around campus or other spaces in nature that are transitioning from one season to another. Students should find things that represent time passing as the seasons change.

Photography: To create these pictures students should use different settings on their cameras like adjusting the shutter speed and aperture to create a different mood. Students should also use lighting and angles techniques to capture the changing of seasons. Each student should have at least two different pictures that show the change of seasons over time in a different way.

Editing and Composition: Once students have taken their pictures they can edit their photos by adjusting the lighting, colors, and shadows to help express the change that’s happening. Editing the pictures can help change the mood by making us feel a certain way. For example if you want to capture the transition from winter to spring you can brighten the picture or darken it depending on the mood you want your audience to feel.

Submission: Once students have finished the project they can upload the pictures to Redwood Photography and name the file firstname.lastname.seasons changing.24. Then update your portfolio and add your new photos.

Tools Needed:

-Editing (Adobe, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.)

Additional Notes:

Safety: While completing the project be sure to be careful and aware of your surroundings and others around you.

Mindfulness: Always be careful while using your camera and be cautious of what you are doing.

Final Notes: Be creative and think outside the box! Use the skills you have learned to create photos you are proud of. Remember these pictures are supposed to be capturing change so try to make the audience feel something when they see your work.

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Final Assignment-Brice Kingsbury https://redwood.photography/2024/05/28/final-assignment-template-13/ https://redwood.photography/2024/05/28/final-assignment-template-13/#respond Tue, 28 May 2024 16:19:47 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=10888 Conflicting/Contrasting Colors


Demonstrate how vibrancy and monochromatic imagery can change the tone of an image.

Assignment Details: Choose a subject to photograph and find ways to depict its vibrancy. Then, through editing or your monochrome setting, depict the same subject in black and white to demonstrate a shift in tone. Show how lack of or the inclusion of color can elevate an image and the mood you intend to convey.


Shoot your subject in a well-lit environment to display a full range of color (depict it from different angles if desired). Then, go into your settings and take a picture of the same subject with your monochrome setting on. This will make a change to the mood, color-contrast, and overall depiction of your subject. Upload both your colored and monochrome pictures to your portfolio.


You can take as many pictures as you want. Pictures from different angles will provide a better sense of tone (ex. a picture taken from a low point of view will feel more grand while one taken from a higher point of view will feel more open). Don’t be afraid to experiment with different perspectives.

Editing and Composition:

If you wish to edit your pictures in post, use your adobe-editing software to enhance or reduce the amount of color, shadow, vibrancy, etc. in your picture.


Upload your images to the Redwood Photography website and post them to your personal portfolio. Be prepared to present your pictures to the class !!

Tools Needed:

Camera-body, 50 mm (or any other) lens, computer

Additional Notes:

Safety: do not do anything that will injure yourself or others. This is supposed to be an experimental project, however that does not mean to push yourself to capture a certain angle if it may be dangerous.

Mindfulness: Always beware of your surroundings. Admin are on high alert. Keep your camera on you and strapped around your neck AT ALL TIMES !!!

Final Notes:

This class is meant to be fun. If you ever find yourself with nothing to do, go outside and bring your camera. Even if you don’t intend to take any pictures that day, just go see what’s outside. You may surprise yourself. Have fun and keep growing this class to meet its full potential 🙂

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Tori P. Future class assignment (Final) https://redwood.photography/2024/05/27/tori-p-future-class-assignment-final/ https://redwood.photography/2024/05/27/tori-p-future-class-assignment-final/#respond Mon, 27 May 2024 18:11:05 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=10877 OBJECTIVE: Have students establish a style or identify the parts of a photo that define the style.
HOW TO: Students will take 3 pictures that all have a similar “style” weather it’s lighting, angles, or subjects that make that style. Then capture one more pictures that is an opposing style. For example 3 underexposed rich pictures and one bright more faded picture; or 3 close up pictures with odd angles and one simple eye level picture.
side note: the style doesn’t have to be obvious, it could be whatever they decide as long as they can describe their style and have a contrasting picture


OBJECTIVE: students will play with the idea of self portraits and using their camera out of hand. They will learn about becoming familiar with pre-setting iso sitter spear and aperture for specific environment by forcing them to take pictures where they can’t just (for lack of a better word) click change, click change, click change, until they’re happy with they’re settings. Similarly they can also use it to practice posing and what they like as far as portraiture which is a very common field of photography.
HOW TO: students will capture 3 self portraits in different environments such as inside, outside, shade, sun, cloudy. They’ll also keep count of how many shots they took before they got the one they wanted. Hopefully each different shot/ setting change will have less retakes displaying an increased ability to understand lighting and anticipate setting changes.

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Final Assignment- Isla Esquivel https://redwood.photography/2024/05/25/final-assignment-isla-esquivel/ https://redwood.photography/2024/05/25/final-assignment-isla-esquivel/#respond Sat, 25 May 2024 20:08:16 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=10861 Time stamp

Objective: The objective of this project is to take pictures of the same sceneries but at different times.

Assignment Details: Take a picture of your choice of scenery during different times of the day.

Exploration: For example, when taking a picture of a sun set, start before the sun set starts and take a picture of it ever 10 min to see the difference time can make into pictures.

Photography: When taking the picture, it doesn’t matter how you take it as long as you can see the effect of the pictures.

Editing and Composition: Edit the photos however you want to.

Submission: You have a week to do this assignment. Make sure to label the file “Your name.TimeStamp”

Tools Needed: You will need your camera or phone whichever one you prefer. You may use a tri pod when taking your photos.

Additional Notes:

Safety: Make sure to always be aware of your surroundings.

Final Notes: Good luck on this project and have a good time when doing it.

https://redwood.photography/2024/05/25/final-assignment-isla-esquivel/feed/ 0
Final Assignment – Dezeray Sanchez https://redwood.photography/2024/05/25/final-assignment-template-12/ https://redwood.photography/2024/05/25/final-assignment-template-12/#respond Sat, 25 May 2024 00:26:25 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=10762 Viewing the World Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Objective: To capture images that explore the concept of optimism and positivity by capturing the world through “rose-colored glasses” or in this case photos with red tints and themes of positivity. Students should attempt to romanticize normal everyday things to capture their simple beauty.

Assignment Details:


Students should explore the campus or any accessible location and attempt to find subjects that can be used to interpret the idea of rose-colored glasses. Select subjects that naturally evoke feelings of happiness or serenity. Some examples might include nature or everyday objects presented in a flattering light.


Take 2-3 photos that use at least 2 different subjects. Students can experiment with high or low angles to change the perspective and reveal new aspects of the subject. They can also attempt to use close-ups to capture the beauty of something not usually perceived by the naked eye (i.e. flowers).

Editing and Composition:

Students can use filters on Adobe Express (or any other photo editing software) to infuse images with a rose-tinted hue. Students can also adjust lighting to create softer, warmer lighting in attempt to better display a positive bias.


Upload your collection of images to the class website by the end of the week. Use the file name roseglass.yourname.2024 and add numbers at the end to discern between photos (ex: 2024(1), 2024(2)).Students should be prepared to share photos with the class for discussion. Be ready to describe the shooting process and any challenges you may have faced.

Tools Needed:

A camera (digital or otherwise), red lens cover/red-tinted film to cover the camera lens, editing software if needed to add a red tint, or simply if preferred over red lens.

Additional Notes:

Safety: Please use proper safety when taking photos, especially if you choose to capture your subject from different angles. Remember to respect the safety and privacy of others and be sure to have consent when photographing people.

Mindfulness: Be aware of your surroundings and be respectful to the subjects of your photos and your environment. Avoid creating any unnecessary damages or disruptions that may cause annoyance to others.

Final Notes:

This assignment is meant to encourage creativity and new perspective of your everyday world. Express through your photos what you perceive to be beautiful and important even if others think otherwise. Have fun with this assignment and try to show yourself through your work. This assignment should provide you the opportunity to think outside of the box and experiment with different shooting and editing techniques.

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Final Assignment Template. Sebastian M. https://redwood.photography/2024/05/24/final-assignment-template-11/ https://redwood.photography/2024/05/24/final-assignment-template-11/#respond Fri, 24 May 2024 21:16:59 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=10778 [Nostalgia]

Objective: Capture or create three things that bring or give a feeling of nostalgia to you or others.

[Project Objective]

Assignment Details: Take or create pictures that feel nostalgic to you.

Exploration: Can be taken anywhere or places you feel most comfortable with, at any time of day.

[Provide detailed exploration instructions tailored to the specific project theme. Describe the setting or environment students should explore and what they should look for.]

Photography: 2-3 photos required. Any techniques can be used.

[Specify how students should capture their subjects. Mention perspectives, angles, and any specific techniques they should use to align with the project’s objective. Indicate the number of different subjects or photos required.]

Editing and Composition: You can use Adobe or Canva to edit your photos.

[Give guidance on post-processing the images. Highlight any specific editing techniques that should be used to enhance the photos, such as adjusting light, shadow, color, or other elements to achieve the desired effect.]

Submission: You may submit a gallery or have all your photos laid out on your portfolio. The assignment should take up about one week, but if more time is needed, two weeks max. When submitted add a description explaining what the assignment is and what you did.

[Explain the submission process. Include instructions on how to label files, the submission platform, and any deadlines. Mention if students need to prepare a presentation or discussion about their work.]

Tools Needed: Camera, Lenses.

[List the necessary equipment, such as cameras, smartphones, or editing software.]

Additional Notes: If help is needed, don’t be afraid to ask Mr. Miller for help or if your camera “WON’T” (key word WON’T) let you do something.

Safety: [Emphasize the importance of safety, respect for privacy, and obtaining consent if photographing identifiable individuals.]

Mindfulness: [Remind students to be aware of their surroundings to avoid disruptions or damage.]

Final Notes: Have fun with the assignment, enjoy it. Don’t stress and be calm.

[Conclude with motivational advice encouraging students to be creative and to explore the storytelling potential of photography. Highlight the importance of the theme and what students can learn from the project.] ]]>
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Final Assignment – Sergio Lopez https://redwood.photography/2024/05/24/final-assignment-template-10/ https://redwood.photography/2024/05/24/final-assignment-template-10/#respond Fri, 24 May 2024 18:21:57 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=10764 A Story Through Pictures

Objective: To photograph an image with an outside theme or message, in which the photo can symbolize and represent a theme visually. The chosen theme or message should be relative to you and have passion, making it easier to visualize.

Assignment Details: Capture one photo that visualizes one chosen theme or message that resonates with the Student.

Exploration: Venture out into the world and try to visualize the chosen theme, trying to represent it visually. Try to be creative, and make interesting connections. There is no set photo for the assignment, the connection from photo to idea is what’s important.

Photography: Try to make the photos taken vibrant, and make the theme of the photo visually apparent and comprehensible, there is no uniform way to frame the photo, but use composition techniques to enhance the photograph from a purely photo perspective.

Editing and Composition: For post-processing the photos, try to edit the photographs to emphasize the chosen theme, whether it be enhancing colors, framing the subject, or eliminating clutter, all making the theme of the photo pop out more. In terms of Composition, use all previous knowledge learned about framing photos to make the photo as visually pleasing as possible.

Submission: You will have two weeks to submit a photo along with if wanted, a description within the photo in WordPress explaining the connection between the photo and theme, submitting the photo with the name stp_firstname_year.

Tools Needed: Desired Camera of use, plus the photo editing software most comfortable with (Photoshop, Adobe Express, Lightroom, etc.), to enhance photos.

Additional Notes:

Safety: When photographing your image, make sure to be mindful of the area and others around, be responsible in decision-making, and always think “What would Miller do?”

Mindfulness: Be sure always to be aware of your surroundings and your place within it too, keep track consistently, and don’t lose track around you while unfocused on shooting.

Final Notes: Remember to try and be the most creative you can, be inspired in photographing your theme, message, or idea that resonates with you, and the final product will be fulfilling.

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Final Assignment Piper Figallo https://redwood.photography/2024/05/24/final-assignment-template-9/ https://redwood.photography/2024/05/24/final-assignment-template-9/#respond Fri, 24 May 2024 17:58:24 +0000 https://redwood.photography/?p=10722 Capturing the Essence of Your Favorite Movie or Book


Take photos that capture the mood, atmosphere, and essence of your favorite movie or book. Create images that evoke emotions within the viewer of these photos.

Assignment Details:


Students are encouraged to explore locations that resonate with the setting of their chosen movie or book. Whether the movie/book takes place in a cityscape, countryside, or fantasy world, students should take pictures of places or items that give off the same mood and feeling as the work that they chose. Use details such as lighting, architecture, and nature to convey the mood.


Students should experiment with different angles, compositions, and perspectives to create visually appealing scenes. There should be a variety of photos capturing different types of the mood they wish to show. There should be at least 4 unique photos that portray the context and mood of the movie/book.

Editing and Composition:

After taking the photos, students should use editing software to enhance their images. Adjusting the lighting, shadows, and colors can help express the feel of the photos and it can help match the mood of the movie/book. Experiment with different editing techniques to achieve the desired effect you want with your images. For example, if you choose a happier movie, you can brighten up the image or make it appear more colorful, so it goes along with the chosen narrative.


When you complete this project, upload it to Redwood Photography with the file name: firstname.lastname.movie/book.24 You will have a week to complete this assignment, and we will display your photos on the TV on Friday. Be prepared to discuss the movie/book you chose and the process of taking these images.

Tools Needed:


-Editing software (Adobe, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.)

Additional Notes:

Safety: Prioritize safety while exploring different areas to take your pictures. If you are photographing people, make sure to ask them first and to respect their privacy.

Mindfulness: Be mindful of your surroundings to avoid disruptions of others, or damage while taking photos.

Final Notes:

Through this assignment, you have the opportunity to tell your favorite story through photography. By using lighting and composition, instead of just telling someone about your favorite movie/book, you can show them too. Not only will you be creating scenes, but you will also be showing others how you see this movie/book through your perspective. Remember to have fun with the project and be creative.

Example: A Dog’s Purpose

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