
Aperture Reflection- Nick Miller

condimentum lacinia quis vel eros donec ac odio tempor orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu consequat ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla phasellus faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc […]

Reflection Aperture – Daniela Ceballos

For me, the main thing that I struggled with was figuring out what aperture I had to choose for the image I had in mind. Once I started messing around getting closer to what I wanted it became easier. However, it was harder to adjust when I went into different lighting it became difficult because […]

Shutter Priority Reflection – Brice Kingsbury

The shutter priority assignment introduced me to new techniques associated with photography. I would be lying if I said I found understanding shutter speed to be easy, however it was an enjoyable challenge. A lot of times, I found myself taking pictures that captured way too much light or photos that were way too dark. […]

Aperture Priority Reflection – Sergio

Capturing photos at different apertures was a long process, especially taking pictures with a higher F Stop or lower Aperture. Controlling only the aperture was annoying as the camera is controlling the shutter speed, so the higher the F stop, the slower the shutter, making it easy to get blurry photos if not stable, which […]

Shutter Priority Reflection-Leonardo Montemayor

For my motion blur photos I saw that the color guard people were out. So me and my group went in front of them and took photos. I was going in front of the people that were waving the flags. Making sure to blur them I used a low shutter speed. I don’t remember what […]

Shutter Reflection – Ilari Mäkiranta

The first assignment was about shutter speed which means how much time we allow for the camera to take a photo. At first, I had no card, which made taking photos harder as I couldn’t save them. For that reason, I might either be late with the assignment or just use the few pictures I […]

Shutter Reflection – Sebastian Martinez

For the Background Blur, I decided to get a little bit creative by taking pictures of my games. There were two games I decided to take and they were God Of War: Ragnarok and Ghost Of Tsushima. They’re both really amazing games that allow you to go into Photo Mode, and I recommend playing it. […]

Shutter Priority Reflection: Isla Esquivel

What was cool about learning how to do shutter speed was that once you get it on the right setting you get pretty good pictures. What made me scratch my head with this assignment was the blur photos because I was trying to get it, but it would come out to blurry that it wasn’t […]

Shutter Speed Reflection – Jennifer Z.

Something I had struggled with when trying to take blurry photos was the photos coming out darker or too bright depending on whether I was standing in the sun or shade. Also including the shutter speed. It was also important to not move much when the camera was set at a slower shutter speed.

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