
Dollar Store Advert

Dollar Store Advert Critique

In this project I learned the value of lighting. In this project me and Tyler were able to change our background cloth color from a blue to a yellow just with lighting. It gave it a whole different feel and really enhanced the picture. After trial and error we found the perfect lighting. It was […]

What I’ve Learned from Designing a Page

This is the page I designed as an advertisement for a little stuff dinosaur (pictured in the top-left). It was based on this Jurassic Park poster we saw: The first challenge came from how to remove the background from the photos with people without a green screen: I learned to use and edit subject selections. […]

Reflections Critique

The quote suggests that in photography, the learning process comes from practical experience and self-reflection, rather than from being taught by a teacher. My own work is the best teacher and provides the opportunity to critically analyze and improve. The more I use the camera the more I learn the skills and see the art […]

Advert critique

With this project me and my partner weren’t to sure how serious to take it at first. plus we weren´t to sure how to sell a candle so we did have many ideas. After a while we somehow came up with a silly idea. That and figuring out Photoshop was the hardest part of this […]

What was challenging and my gains from the “Dollar Store Advert”

I found myself struggling with finding a spot that would portray the product as I envisioned it. It took multiple times to get the right shot but we succeeded. I learned that a well shown product takes time to create and assistance from others will help you out.

What I Learned From Designing A Page

To see our design click here! ►https://redwood.photography/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Beach-Gnomes-V2.pdf I learned from designing a page how to take individual pictures of the item and transfer them to the page. This was challenging because I could not get the lighting right. So I had to take it indoors to get the proper lighting. I also had issues with […]

Reflections critiques-Dina

Those are my two favorite pictures I have taken so far because they taught me what I like taking pictures of. It also made me figure out how to take better pictures by setting the lighting on the camera and also made me understand how to work a camera more.

Reflections critique


“You know, I really don’t think you learn from teachers. You learn from work. I think what you learn, really, is how to be – you have to be your own toughest critic, and you only learn that from work, from seeing work.” -Garry Winogrand Teachers really don’t teach you, if anything they give you […]