
Do Photographers View The World Differently?

Yes, I think photographers do see the world differently. We are constantly trying to look at the composition and in this case if things look like or makeup letters of the alphabet. We need to look at the world differently to take pictures people never see so we can show them those pictures.

Dollar Store Advert Critique

I learned a lot about editing from Ayla. I also learned how to think creatively to put this project together. I personally struggled a little bit with coming up with the idea, but then I tried to think out of the box and figured something out.

Advertisement Project Reflection

Donya Akhavon This project wasn’t very difficult, but making the canva/advertisement proved to be quite the process. Creating an advertisement that both explained the product while being aesthetically pleasing was tricky, but luckily the application we used (canva), helped everything go smoothly. Our product was a pop socket so it was easy to advertise it […]

Designing A Page

Lets make your home garden great, buy some decorations like this gnome to spice up your garden and make your neighbors jealous. When designing a page it can be very difficult because there are many pictures ideas that can come to life, but you only end up picking the best ones. When finally starting to […]

What I Learned from Designing a Page

The hardest part of this project was the learning curve with photoshop. Before this I’ve only used photoshop for color correcting and image based stuff. With this project though I had to work with trying to get a background that fit with the foreground. Then there was the text which was surprisingly hard for me, […]

UNICORN Advertising. by Zander and Lele

our advertisement Do u ever get bored? if the answer is yes then click above and buy a unicorn the unicorn is a magical fidget toy that can keep you entertained and busy. there are several colors u can pick such as teal,blue,red,pink and more. Remember if you get bored buy a unicorn

What I learned from designing a page?

The first thing I learned is how really challenging it is to edit a picture and the second challenging thing I learned doing this project is about how to delete the background image. Overall I think my poster turned on quite well.

Dollar Store Advert

Dollar Store Advert Critique

In this project I learned the value of lighting. In this project me and Tyler were able to change our background cloth color from a blue to a yellow just with lighting. It gave it a whole different feel and really enhanced the picture. After trial and error we found the perfect lighting. It was […]

What I’ve Learned from Designing a Page

This is the page I designed as an advertisement for a little stuff dinosaur (pictured in the top-left). It was based on this Jurassic Park poster we saw: The first challenge came from how to remove the background from the photos with people without a green screen: I learned to use and edit subject selections. […]