
My Inspiration

My Inspiration for what is my creativity, are many random things.

What I learned from designing a page

Dollar Store Critiques: What I found challenging about this Dollar Store was finding inspiration on how to use the item which was a frog. I couldn’t think of how to advertise a frog was to use some sort of animal organization to save the wildlife. Another challenging thing was the editing that took place because […]

My Inspiration’s

I use my inspiration’s to guide myself through life and they make sure I am going on the right path.

My Inspiration

These are some things that inspire me.

My Inspiration

My Inspalkjsdalksjd;lakjsd;lkajsdf;lkasjdf;lkasjdf;lkasjdfkasjdf;klasjdflkjasd;flkja;sldkfjaslkdfj;alskdjfl;ksadjf;laksjdf;lkasjdflkasjdf;laksjdf;lkasjdf;lkasjdf;lkjasd;lkfjasdlkjfa;lskdjfl;aksjdf;lkasjdf;lkasjdf;lkasjdf;laksjdf

My Inspiration

Me to Me Project- Emily

My Inspiration


Sample Post