
Assignment #6: Strange Angles

Objective: To photograph everyday objects or scenes from angles that people wouldn’t normally see. Create a collection of images that showcase these unique perspectives. Assignment Details: Exploration: Roam around the campus or any accessible location, seeking out new ways to look at common places or objects. Photography: Take photos from at least three different angles […]

Assignment #5: Light Writing

Objective: To use the technique of light painting to create each letter of your name with light strokes. Capture these images in the dark and then assemble them into a single composite image that spells out your name. Assignment Details: Exploration: Find a safe, dark space on campus, at home, or in any other accessible […]

Assignment #4: Alphabetography

Assignment Title: Alphabetography: Spelling with Images Objective: To find and photograph objects or scenes in nature or around the campus that resemble the letters of your name. Then, compile these photographs into a single composite image that spells out your name using Adobe Spark. Assignment Details: Tools Needed: Examples Due Date: Next Wednesday 2/14/2024 Additional […]

Assignment #3: Noticing the small things-Details Spring 2024

Section 1: Exploring the Essence of Details Objective: To develop a keen eye for detail in photography, focusing on capturing intricate elements that often go unnoticed. Background Reading: Key Concepts to Explore: Section 2: Your Detail-Oriented Mission Choose Your Subject: Select a subject that intrigues you, whether it’s a natural element, an architectural detail, or […]

Assignment #2:

Redwood Photography: Panning Technique Worksheet Assignment #2 Spring 2024 Section 1: Review of Panning Technique Section 2: Planning Your Panning Assignment Section 3: How to Submit Your Work Final Note: This assignment aims to deepen your understanding of the panning technique and enhance your ability to capture dynamic, moving subjects. Be creative and experiment. Happy […]

Panning Reflection -Piper Figallo

Practicing on moving cars helped me understand how panning photography works. After many failed pictures where everything in the photo was blurry, I was able to learn how to get a clear subject with the motion streaks showing the movement and speed of the subject. I like this concept in photography because you get to […]

Practice Panning Reflection -Karli Branson

I really enjoyed this project. I loved being able to go on the street and being able to take pictures with the entire class. I liked when everyone’s work got showcased on the screen and we were able to see things to be improved and noted. I think that this was a pretty easy project […]

Panning Assignment-Leonardo Montemayor

For this assignment, I had to take photos using panning. Panning Is a technique where you capture your subject to be clean and the background is blurry. I took these photos with my class down Main St and next to the solar panel parking lots. It took me a few tries to get some good […]

Panning: Assignment #1 Spring 2024

Assignment Title: “Motion in Focus: Mastering the Art of Panning” Due 1/12/2023 Objective: To understand and apply the panning technique in photography, capturing motion with clarity and creativity. Materials Needed: Part 1: Understanding Panning Readings Part 2: Technical Setup Part 3: Creative Experimentation Part 4: Assignment Submission Part 5: Class Exhibition and Review Additional Resources: […]

100 things

here is a link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qoSY7SGvOzAdymlE6PBPw0YRlhyp9DQh/view?usp=drivesdk