Johansson Documentary Reflection
When beginning this project I didn’t have any teacher in specific.
When beginning this project I didn’t have any teacher in specific.
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The Process It’s important to have a plan for these kinds of projects, as I kind of just went into it head on. I did have an idea of what I wanted my photos and page spread to look like, but I definitely could’ve gathered a more organized approach. In the end I felt as […]
Beginning of the class I was a new student coming into the first semester. I definitely underestimated Mr. Miller’s photography class. I thought it was going to be an easy class where we just took headshots. I was wrong Mr. Miller made the class a fun challenging learning experience. I looked forward to this class […]
At the beginning of my senior year, I didn’t know much about using a camera. I felt that I didn’t know what I was doing every time I looked at all the buttons and settings, unsure of how to capture the images I envisioned. My early attempts were okay, but I wasn’t entirely proud of […]
One thing that I have improved on is working with others and picking up a camera to take photos. My perspective on photography has changed because I am not scared to pick up a camera and talk to people because I’m always to myself. I have learned so much about myself throughout the project, and […]
This year I feel like I have improved on using the camera and being able to fix the lighting when I’m taking photos and I’m proud of that because I used to struggle a lot trying to get a good photo with good lighting My perspective on photography has changed because I used to think […]
Starting Out: More Than Just Clicking A Button Joining photography, I just expected to learn how to take pictures and make them look good. But, getting deeper into the semester, I realized there was more than just fixing the lighting and the taking the picture. I learned you had to learn how to tell a […]
Technical: This semester has been more about continuing to take pictures than learning new skills. The only “new” thing I can recall is a reminder of how to move the focus box around the screen. It’s handy at times but a bit tedious, so often, I just use single focus, focusing on my object and […]
i think taking this class again was a good thing, I have been taking pictures a little bit better than last year and I’ve learned a lot more especially with a camera and taking picture. using different techniques and different ways to capture a photo. trying new angles and moving my feet around. i think […]