My name is Emily and I just recently fell in love with photography. I love all the concepts of the photos I've taken and I like to observe all the beauty the world has in store for us. I have a very curious mind and I love to review my past memories. I'm here to show everyone else how I view the world through my photographs!
Peaking photos
Recent Work: Me toMe, Portraits, Street Photo, and Nostalgia 🙂

I chose The Rolling Stones band with the album, "Exile On Main St" which has a black and white feel to it. I was inspired to use eyes as the cover because I believe eyes tell a story. This is a monochrome, close up picture of my dogs face. I want it to represent people looking into each other's eyes and seeing people for who they truly are. These songs develop into different tones throughout the album and provide an idea of growth in someone. Having this assignment has helped my creative touch with my inner musician by listening to an album/band I hadn't really ever listened to before.

Panning pictures
Shutter Priority Work 💥
Panning/blurry background
Dorothea Lange Photography style
Dorothea Lange was a photographer and photojournalist. She was best known for her Depression-era work for the Farm Security Administration. She was influenced to take pictures to show the development of documentary photography and humanized the consequences of the Great Depression
My robo gallery for this Masters project is Down below ⬇️