Fall 2023: Shutter Priority Work

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Background ARTICLE 1, ARTICLE 2

To demonstrate understanding and creative application of shutter speed in varying daytime scenarios to create desired effects.

Hey there! Alright, let’s break this down. 📸

You’ve got a camera, right? So, there’s this thing called “shutter speed” that determines how long the camera takes a picture for. It’s like when you blink – a quick blink is like a fast shutter speed, and a slow, dramatic blink is like a slow shutter speed. We’re gonna play around with this “blink speed” to get some cool shots!

1. Super Fast Blink – Freeze Time! 🚀
Imagine: You know when you see a water balloon popping or someone jumping off a swing, and you wish you could see every detail? That’s what we’re doing here. How: Set your camera to blink super fast (a high number like 1/1000s). Capture action shots, like someone running, a bird taking off, or even paper being thrown in the air. Make the moving thing look frozen in time.

2. Dramatic Slow Blink – Everything’s a Blur! 🌪
Imagine: You know those shots in movies where everything is a blur except for one person? It looks all dreamy and cool. That’s our goal! How: Make your camera blink slower (a lower number, maybe like 1/15s). Find a place where people are moving, like a busy hallway. Take a photo while they’re walking. They should look blurry, showing their motion, while stuff that isn’t moving (like walls or trees) stays sharp.

3. Follow the Leader – The Moving Picture! 🚴
Imagine: You see someone riding a bike, and you want to make them look clear but everything else a blur, like they’re speeding super fast in a movie. How: You’ll follow them with your camera while taking the picture. So, as they move, you move your camera with them. It’s a bit tricky, but super fun!

Once you’re done: Show your pics, and write a bit about what was easy, what was tough, and what you learned. Was it hard to make the camera blink slower without everything getting super bright? Did you get dizzy trying to follow that moving bike? 😂

Tips & Tricks:

  • If everything’s super bright when trying the slow blink, you might need to change some other settings. Ask for help if you need!
  • The follow-the-leader thing (it’s called “panning”) might take a few tries. That’s cool, it’s all part of the fun.

Remember, there’s no wrong way to do this. Just have fun, play around, and see what cool shots you can get! 📷✨

Assessment Criteria:

  1. Technical proficiency: Appropriate use of shutter speed for each scenario.
  2. Composition: Thoughtful framing, considering balance, leading lines, and rule of thirds.
  3. Creativity: How unique and captivating are the images?
  4. Reflection: Insight into their understanding and learning process.


  • Use continuous shooting mode for fast-moving subjects to increase chances of getting that perfect shot.
  • Panning is all about a steady hand and smooth motion. Students can try bending their elbows and using their body to turn, keeping the camera as steady as possible.
  • To compensate for the increased light during longer exposures in the daytime, students might need to decrease their ISO or increase their aperture (higher f-number) to prevent overexposure.


Shutter Speed Assignment Deliverables:

Hey there! For this assignment, here’s what you need to turn in:

  1. Blur Photos: Grab three (3) shots where things look a bit blurry because they’re moving. It’s like when you’re trying to snap a pic of someone dancing and they turn into a motion blur. Aim for that effect!
  2. Freeze Frame Photos: I’ll need three (3) photos where everything looks super sharp, even if it’s moving super fast. Imagine pressing ‘pause’ on a video of someone mid-jump. Everything stops, right? That’s the kind of photo we’re going for.
  3. Reflection Time: Write up a short piece, around 250 words, about your experience. Tell me what was cool, what parts made you scratch your head, and any neat tricks you figured out. It’s like sharing your camera adventure story!

Package all these up and post them on your portfolio. This is your chance to really show off how you can control your camera and create some awesome shots. Have fun and good luck! 📷🎉