Dollar Store Item Advert Project
Each person was given an item they must try to create an advertisement with. My partner (Maxine) and I were given this fake LED lamp. With this, we decided to go with a more mysterious and colorful approach, we had zero trouble with editing, but taking the photos was another story. We could have improved some of the lightings so that each image felt like it belonged to the other. We also had trouble deciding where to go with this project, but in the end, I think we executed the thought well. I'm content with the way the advertisement came out, I do think I could have done better.

Reflection/Mirrored Picture Project
In this assignment, we, the photographer, were told to take a picture involving some kind of reflection. The first thing that came to my mind was the reflection of a body of water.
As a rainy day came, I was able to shot some images of the puddles around the Redwood Campus. This involved a large oak tree and my friend Lele's feet. My only issue was going near the ground to take a photo WITHOUT the use of an umbrella. I had a very minimal amount of time to take photos as I didn't want to get the camera wet. I had to quickly shoot these photos within seconds without planning the angle or anything. I'm happy with the way the photos came out.

Look Up Picture Project
Different angles of a certain object can make something seem more interesting than it really is. In this project, each photographer was given the assignment to take a picture while looking up.
While thinking of what to take a picture of I realized a tree would be a great example. I then proceeded to find a tall enough tree that fits the frame I was looking for. For this image, I tried to highlight the dark tones of the oak to make it seem more dramatic. The main issue I had was getting the camera to focus on the tree, it kept overexposing the picture. After many attempts I finally got the picture to focus by moving the red square in the middle to the left. I'm content with the way the photos came out, I just wish they looked more distinct.