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“Photography is the story I fail to put into words"

Natural Light

Bep project

First Gallery

Me to Me

Look up!

Look up critique: I didn't really like this assignment only because my lens wasn't listening to me. This assignment really made me look up from from my phone which isn't a bad thing because i got these amazing photos!

Advertisement critique:
This assigment was diffuclt and easy. The easiest part of this assignment is taking the pictures and finding inspiration for our object. The hardest part was editing, i have no idea how to edit. i do plan on learning more about it.

reflection critique:
I loved this assigment!! it was diffuclt yet intressting. this asssigemnt really made me look for mirrored objets. The only diffult part about it was the angles, the camera could'nt catch was the eye could see which was very diffuclt and frustrating.


Black and white

Things outta place