Sean Holland’s Portfolio

Recent Work

My Final Project - Assignment For Class Of 24-25

Street Photography

For this assignment I was tasked to go out into the world and take some photos out on the streets.

Click the photo to view.


For this assignment I was tasked to take a photo of something that I thought was nostalgic, so what I did was go back to my old neighborhood and I went down the pathway near by and took this photo because it reminded me of when I was a kid.

Click the photo to view.

Old Work


For this assignment I was told to go and take some portraits and I used my friends Miguel Abrego and Sergio Lopez as my models for this assignment.

Me To Me

For this assignment I needed to put multiple of the same subject in one photo and I used my friend Leonardo Montemayor as my subject.

Click the photo to view.


In this assignment I was tasked to go out and take some photos of people peeking to try and capture the moment.

Click on the Peeking button to view more.

Strange Angles

For this assignment I was asked to go out and around to take some photos using strange angles wether it be low angles or overhead views or any angle you think is a strange angle.

Click the Strange Angle button to view more.

My Name

For this assignment I was asked to go outside and find things that I can use to spell my name and this is what I found.

Click Images to View.

The Little Things

For this assignment I attempted to find the little things in life and make them look bigger in this huge world while also noticing the small details in life.

Click The Little Things Button to view more photos.

Panning Performance

For this assignment I took the panning technique int om town hands and used my own style. What I did to achieve this photo was have my model walk back and forth at just the right speed to achieve my goal of making my model look as if he was paused in time.

Click the photo to view.

Panning Practice


In this photo gallery you will see 9 photos from my recent assignment using the skill called panning which is when the photographer follows its subject causing it to streak making it look as if the subject has been stopped in time.

Click the Panning button to view more photos.



This is my Masters assignment. The 3 photos that you see were inspired by Ansel Adams. The reason these phots were inspired by him are because I think black and white photos carry lots of emotion with them.

To view more click on the masters button.

Scavenger Hunt

These photos I've taken are for my assignment Scavenger Hunt. I was assigned to take 9 photos of pictures that would match the 9 words given to me.

Click Scavenger Hunt button to see photos.

Liminal Spaces

This photo gallery shows Liminal Spaces, which is supposed to show darker images that make you feel out of place and lonely.

Click Liminal Space button to see photos.

M Mode

Motion Blur

Time Stop